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MegaPrime Filter Metadata Query Help

General Description

This form can be used to browse the metadata related to the MegaPrime filters. It should help users to keep track of all the filters that will be used over the lifetime of MegaPrime.

Queries can be executed based upon specified filter names and IDs. The query result page allows users to download or plot the filter transmission curves.

Search Constraints

Field Name Description
Filter Name Example: z'. It is very important to note that filter names may not be unique.
Filter ID The filter ID is a unique tag for the actual piece of glass. Example: Z.MP7901. Each filter has a unique ID. For example, the filter Z.MP7901 was the z' filter from 1998 to 2002, and it was replaced by Z.MP9801 in 2002.

MegaPrime Metadata Query Tabular Output

Field Name Description
Int_Phot_Sys Name of internal (i.e., instrumental) photometric system attached to the filter by CFHT.
Camera Name of camera in which the filter resides. Camera is MegaPrime here.
Central Wavelength Central wavelength of filter in angstroms.
Bandwidth Filter bandwidth in angstroms.
Maximum Transmission Maximum filter transmission in percent.
Transmission Curve Temperature Temperature in Celsius at which the filter transmission curve was measured.
Transmission Curve Humidity Humidity level in percent at which the filter transmission curve was measured.
Transmission Curve Pressure Atmospheric pressure in millibars at which the filter transmission curve was measured.
Start_time Date and time at which the filter was put in operation.
Stop_time Date and time at which the filter was de-commissioned.